Eileen is 2 months now. She drank 160 cc formula, so she is quite big now. However, she has been to the hospital 5 times and is always crying. I am so worry about her. Some friends of mine said that I need to change the formula and bottle, and also more massage for her. If it is still not working, I need to bring her to TaiAn hospital and find out the reason that makes her uncomfortable. So, do my best and also wish she can have a NICE Chinese New Year.
happy first chinese new year eileen!!! hope the massages helps!
hey, it's amazing. eileen can sleep from 12-7am or 9-3am at night. ccc... i also borrow one baby cart for her and can't wait to bring her to the park. i can almost see the sunshine shinning on her face. ccc...
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